niedziela, 2024-11-24 Emmy, Flory, Romana

Zielona Góra 16-28.08.2013


15th August 2013 

 It was on the 15th August when the  journey  from Gaborone Botswana to Poland Zielona Gora began by  flight on a mission to attend an active rehabilitation camp to be held by the Foundation of Active Rehabilitation for the newly spinal injury people or beneficiaries.

The long journey which took almost 24hours destined as we arrived at the camp driven by the Chief of the Foundation of Active Rehabilitation himself Rafal , we were give a very warm welcome by the other staff members to co-lead the camp whom were 1st time to meet but that was not an issue to hinder the bonding to work together. English is not commonly spoken but at least there was a few who could translate and the game began on full effect as on the same evening of arrival we had a moment to ease the fatigue of long travelling by a session on come-together in getting to know each other as the staff by way of 1 on 1 self introductory at the same time having a good time of refreshments.

17th August 2013

This was the day when we did some test on how to carry out the whole rehab camp in terms of activities and intense training as well as familiarizing with whole environment at large, it was superb.  

18th August 2013

On this day we welcomed the beneficiaries from different cities and towns of Poland and they  were all assured a good stay of home away from home, a 5star treat of accommodation and also we took them through some registration to keep record of how many came and as well some physical training and tests to make familiarize them with the place and how the whole activities began.
Different activities were conducted to different groups simultaneously like sports, wheelchair skills and training, physical exercises like stretching, transfers and how to carry out their morning routine independently, bathing and strategies on how to dress themselves all in the name of SELF INDEPENDENCE.As days went on the beneficiaries developed the skills on how to be self reliant and they loved the skills they were being equipped with and it was all wonderful as it was their first time experience and they enjoyed knowing and practicing their new ways of being self independent, it was all marvelous.

27th August 2013

Good bye is the saddest word to say as the whole rehab came  to an end therefore all the beneficiaries had to make u-turns back to their respective residential places so it was not a good moment because they really loved the camp realizing their abilities and capabilities despite being disable.

28th August 2013

Yet another sad moment for us the co-leaders to part ways to our different places of residence,this was a way  to learn more about spinal injury and how to equip the newly injured with ways of being self independent as well as gaining more experience as the staff members.


I KABELO MALONGWA and Relekotswe  Akanyang would like to pass my regards to the entire team of the Foundation of active rehabilitation in Poland Zielona Gora, thanx a million times for the experience and hospitality we had.

 Zielona Góra 16-28.08.2013 »


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